

2024年 2月 18日 0 By gong2022
原文标题:luddites fear humanity will make short work of finite wants
ⅰlord byron was aluddite. the romantic poet’s only speech in the house of lords defended thefollowersof ned ludd, who weresmashingthe mechanicalloomsin england during the early 1800s because they feared the machines would put people out of work. back then, some believed that technology would create unemployment. they were wrong. the industrial revolution made england richer and increased the total number of people in work, including in thefabricand clothing industries.

ⅱtoday’spessimistspredict that these computers will put people out of work. theselatter-dayluddites are also wrong. technology can bedisruptive. it can eliminate jobs, fromweaverstobuggy-whipmakers. but 200 years of data show it improves productivity and increases wealth, leading to more demand and new types of jobs.

ⅲthe combination of computers and the internet begantransformingour economy decades ago. the “app economy” is the latest example. it began in 2008 when steve jobsyieldedto the advice of his team at apple and decided to let outside developers create apps for the iphone. the global app economy last year was worth $100bn, more than the film industry. this is an industry that did not exist seven years ago.

ⅳadvances in technology have helped create the “sharing economy” in whichenterprisingfolks can rent out rooms on airbnb and provide rides on uber and lyft. likewise, online marketplaces such as amazon and ebay have recreated the kind ofcottage industrythat existed in the pre-industrial age. if you have a good recipe or can make a cool product or service, you can find customers. if you create a book or song, you now have ways to self-publish and distribute. if youdream upa newspecialism—ethicalhacker, pet psychologist, nutrition coach — you have a chance of finding takers. more than 600,000 people nowadays earn a living by selling on amazon and ebay.

ⅴif new technologies reduced the total number of jobs, we would all be out of work by now. but times of technological advance have been times of job creation. last year, as whole new waves ofrobotic systemswere introduced, the us added 3m jobs. the unemployment rate hit a six-year low, and average hourly earnings forprivate sectorworkers rose.

ⅵbewaryof those wholamentthedemi查找引擎优化f jobs for checkout clerks andmeter readers, as if preserving such jobs will lead to a healthier economy. this ludditefallacyis based on apresumptionthat there is only asetamount of goods and services people want. if technology permits those things to be produced more efficiently, luddites argue, there will be less work to do. in reality, technology leads to an increase in productivity and wealth. that in turn leads to increased demand for goods and services and thus more jobs, including ones in fields we can barely imagine.

1.follower [?f?l???(r)]n. 跟从者,撑持者
2.smash [sm??] v. 打碎,打烂
3.loom [lu:m]n. 织布机
4.fabric [?f?br?k]n. 织物,织品
5.pessimist [?pes?m?st]n.绝望主义者,绝望论者
6.latter-day a.(旧时的人或物的)今世翻版的
7.disruptive [d?s?r?pt?v]a.损坏(性)的
8.weaver[?wi:v?(r)]n. 织布者,纺织工人
9.buggy-whip n.马鞭
10.transform [tr?ns?f?:m]v. 改动,完全改动
11.yield [ji:ld]v. 让步,遵循
12.enterprising [?ent?pra?z??]a.有前进心的,富于创业精力的
13.cottage industry 家庭手工业
14.dream up 想象出,想象
15.specialism [?spe??l?z?m] n.特长,专攻
16.ethical [?eθ?kl] a.符合道德的
17.robotic system 主动操作体系
18.private sector 私营部分
19.wary [?we?ri]a.留心的,防备的
20.lament [l??ment]v.哀叹,怅惘
22.meter reader 抄表员
23.fallacy [?f?l?si] n.谬论,谬见
24.presumption [pr??z?mp?n]n.假定
25.set [set] a.固定的,特定的
26.*luddite [?l?da?t] n. 卢德分子,激烈对立机械化和主动化的人

ⅰ①lord byron was aluddite. ②the romantic poet’s only speech in the house of lords defended thefollowersof ned ludd, who weresmashingthe mechanicalloomsin england during the early 1800s because they feared the machines would put people out of work. ③back then, some believed that technology would create unemployment. ④they were wrong. ⑤the industrial revolution made england richer and increased the total number of people in work, including in thefabricand clothing industries.
点评:段ⅰ引子有些,介绍“19世纪初卢德派”观念并予以争辩反驳。首要以闻名诗人拜伦(lord byron)引出卢德派观念及做法:忧虑计器会让我们赋闲,因而摧毁织布机。随后指出卢德派观念差错:工业改造让英国愈加殷实、并添加了作业人数。首要逻辑联接是:①首句先以诗人拜伦引出卢德派;第二句the romantic poet回指lord byron,the followers of ned ludd照顾luddite, who引导的定语从句和because引导的状语从句别离阐明卢德派的做法和不和的理由;第三句some实指卢德派,technology would create unemployment同义复现the machines would put people out of work,进一步阐释卢德派观念。②第四句they were wrong直接否定卢德派观念;第五句the industrial revolution同the mechanical looms、technology构成“工业改造带来技能改造和机器运用”的语义场,其影响increased the total number of people in work则与卢德派的担忧the machines would put people out of work恰恰相反、予以争辩反驳。

ⅱ①today’spessimistspredict that these computers will put people out of work. ②theselatter-dayluddites are also wrong. ③technology can bedisruptive. ④it can eliminate jobs, fromweaverstobuggy-whipmakers. ⑤but 200 years of data show it improves productivity and increases wealth, leading to more demand and new types of jobs.
点评:段ⅱ介绍今世绝望论者并对其观念予以驳斥。首要将当今绝望论者类推旧日卢德派(latter-day luddites),并指出其预言“电脑会让我们赋闲”。随后转而标明作者不一样观点:技能可以具有推翻损坏性并选择低端作业,但两个世纪以来的数据标明,它会前进出产力、添加财富、并创造更多需要和新式作业。首要逻辑联接是:①首两句today’s pessimists和these latter-day luddites同指,和上段的“十九世纪卢德派”构成“今昔类推”,标明作者观念:当今绝望论者观念相同差错(are also wrong)。②第三、四句让步标明作者观念:技能的确具有损坏性。两句间为说明阐明联络,eliminate jobs, from weavers to buggy-whip makers 是对disruptive的阐明。③第五句以转机词but引出作者语义要点,驳斥绝望论者观念:技能对经济打开和作业的无量推进作用。

ⅲ①the combination of computers and the internet begantransformingour economy decades ago. ②the “app economy” is the latest example. ③it began in 2008 when steve jobsyieldedto the advice of his team at apple and decided to let outside developers create apps for the iphone. ④the global app economy last year was worth $100bn, more than the film industry. ⑤this is an industry that did not exist seven years ago.

点评:段ⅲ阐明如今的数字技能带来的无量经济效益。首要标明,电脑和互联网的联系从几十年前便初步改动咱们的经济,而“使用经济”就是最新的比方;随后具体阐明使用经济带来的无量经济效益。首要逻辑联接是:①首句the combination of computers and internet照顾第二段中computers will put people out of work,凸显“如今新技能”所指;began transforming our economy点明其作用。②第二句以the latest example和第一句began…decades ago照顾,指出新技能改动经济的最新实例——使用经济(app economy)。②第三、四句以began in 2008…last year构成时刻照顾,别离介绍使用经济的“发生”和 “其时打开”。其间outside developers暗示该工业“创造了新的作业机缘”,was worth $100bn凸显该工业无量的经济价值。⑤第四句中more than the film industry和第五句别离从“横向作业比照”和“纵向时刻比照”视点凸显使用经济带来的无量经济效益。注:如今的使用经济已不单指苹果的app store,它已构成一个独立的无量作业,至今已为美国创造了40多万个作业岗位。

ⅳ①advances in technology have helped
create the “sharing economy” in whichenterprisingfolks can rent out rooms on airbnb and provide rides on uber and lyft. ②likewise, online marketplaces such as amazon and ebay have recreated the kind ofcottage industrythat existed in the pre-industrial age. ③if you have a good recipe or can make a cool product or service, you can find customers. ④if you create a book or song, you now have ways to self-publish and distribute. ⑤if youdream upa newspecialism—ethicalhacker, pet psychologist, nutrition coach — you have a chance of finding takers. ⑥more than 600,000 people nowadays earn a living by selling on amazon and ebay.

翻译:技能前进现已协助创建 “共享经济”,富于创业精力的我们可以在airbnb上租借房子、可以在uber和lyft上供给搭乘效能。相同地,比方amazon和ebay的网上生意商场重现了工业化前年代存在的家庭手工业。假定你有一个好的食谱或是可以制造一种很帅的产品或效能,你就能找到顾客。假定你创造了一本书或是一首歌,如今你有办法自行出书和发行。假定你想象出一个新特长——符合道德的黑客,宠物心思医生,养分学教练——你会有机缘找到承受方。如今以在amazon和ebay上卖东西营生的人跨越60万。
点评:段ⅳ介绍技能带来的多种作业方法和机缘。首要指出技能前进现已创造出 “共享经济(sharing economy)”;随后进一步指出网上生意商场重现了陈旧的家庭手工业(cottage industry);继而用排比办法阐明网上生意商场几乎为一切的人供给了营生机缘。首要逻辑联接是:①前两句以likewise构成并排联络,别离指出新技能“带来了新的经济方法——同享经济(sharing economy)”且“重现早年的经济方法——家庭手工业(cottage industry)”。②第三至五句以if you…you can/you now have ways to/you have a chance of构成排比,阐明新技能带给我们的多种机缘。③第六句以数据more than 600,000阐明网上生意商场供给了许多的作业机缘。

ⅴ①if new technologies reduced the total number of jobs, we would all be out of work by now. ②but times of technological advance have been times of job creation. ③last year, as whole new waves ofrobotic systemswere introduced, the us added 3m jobs. ④the unemployment rate hit a six-year low, and average hourly earnings forprivate sectorworkers rose.

点评:段ⅴ罗列美国实例阐明新技能带来了作业的添加、薪水的前进,持续争辩反驳绝望论者观念。首要提出假定新技能削减了作业总量,到如今咱们大约都赋闲了。随后转而指出技能前进的时期一般是创造作业的时期,偏重例指出上一年美国引入主动操作体系时,作业岗位数量和工人待遇都有很大改进。首要逻辑联接是:①首句以if new technologies…we would all be…假定景象“假若新技能削减了作业总量,则咱们如今都已赋闲”,反向标明作者观念:新技能并未构成作业量的削减。②第二句以but 引出与上述假定相反的实际景象,以times of…have been times of这一重复表达偏重实际“技能前进的进程就是推开作业的进程”。③第三句罗列美国实例阐明第二句,new waves of robotic systems回答technological advance;added 3m jobs回答job creation。第四句以纵向时刻比照凸显技能改造对作业的改进。

ⅵbewaryof those wholamentthedemi查找引擎优化f jobs for checkout clerks andmeter readers, as if preserving such jobs will lead to a healthier economy. this ludditefallacyis based on apresumptionthat there is only asetamount of goods and services people want. if technology permits those things to be produced more efficiently, luddites argue, there will be less work to do. in reality, technology leads to an increase in productivity and wealth. that in turn leads to increased demand for goods and services and thus more jobs, including ones in fields we can barely imagine.

点评:段ⅵ收束全篇,指出卢德派差错知道的本源并予以驳斥。首要宣告警告“防备那些为收银员和抄表职作业消亡而吊唁的人(即:当今卢德派),就如同保存这些作业会带来更安康的经济(作者真实观念:这些作业的消亡与经济的安康没有直接联络)。随后指出卢德派的谬见是根据一个假定:我们需要的只需必定量的产品和效能;假定技能前进了出产的功率,需要人类劳作力的作业就会变少。最终对此进行争辩反驳:实际上技能前进了出产力并添加了社会财富,而这转而又会带来对产品和效能的更多需要,然后带来更多作业岗位。首要逻辑联接是:①首句those who lament the demise of…指代当今卢德派,be wary of体现作者的警告和批判;as if传达了讥讽的口吻,反向体现作者真实观念。②第二句this luddite fallacy(fallacy意为“错误、谬见”)指全文争辩反驳目标“技能绝望论者”,并清楚作者对其否定情绪;based on a presumption引出卢德派差错知道的本源:认为我们想要的只需必定量的(only a set amount)产品和效能;第三句进一步说明卢德派的观念逻辑。③in reality引出第四、五句对卢德派上述假定的争辩反驳。两句以leads to an increase…that in turn leads to…and thus…顺接,阐明“技能推进出产力和财富的添加——我们对物品及效能的需要添加——创造更多作业岗位”这一逻辑链条,结束对当今卢德派的争辩反驳。


